Eco-friendly options for trade events include trade show stands made of renewable materials, energy-efficient lighting with LED lighting, and trade show shows that combine technology and interchangeable displays.

It’s no secret that setting up and running trade shows uses a lot of materials. For this reason, it can be difficult for companies at trade events to ‘go green’ and reduce their impact on the environment, even though many businesses express a desire to do so. Here are some ideas for exhibitors looking to incorporate more of a green element into their display.

Unique Display Options For Trade Show Stands

There are many ways to recycle or reuse materials as part of a trade show show. Instead of a standard display, why not consider portable exhibits made with materials like bamboo, aluminum or recycled fabrics? Bamboo is one of the strongest materials on earth, and the fact that it grows so fast means that it is extremely renewable. Combined with aluminum or bonded metal, it can create a strong, unique and green exhibition display. There are also bamboo stands that can hold booth literature and keep the appearance tidy and less cluttered. Other literature standing on the market is made of cardboard and recycled plastic, another option that is lighter and consequently greener. These types of trade shows often weigh less than ten pounds, are easy to assemble, and break down quickly for easy transportation.

Revolutionary Alternative Lighting

Just as compact fluorescent lamps have almost replaced traditional incandescent light bulbs in standard home and business settings, there are also newer lighting options available specifically for these types of events. The stunning new backlit display system illuminates trade show shows from the back and provides an attractive alternative to standard displays. This screen incorporates LED lighting which uses less energy while still being very bright. In fact, LEDs are used in most ‘green’ lighting options. Traditional halogen lamps are very hot. They created a safety hazard on the show floor, and also made booth staff uncomfortable. LEDs offer excellent brightness at low temperatures, and use only a fraction of the power halogen lamps require. They can be used in large, low-light highlights as well as new fabric graphic panels. With all the options available, LED lighting is truly the lighting of the future for trade show stands.

More Eco-Friendly Ideas

Think outside the box – literally – in terms of trade show shows. There are companies that manufacture shipping containers made from environmental organization certified plywood and low / no volatile organic compound adhesives to ship exhibit components in a more environmentally friendly manner. Your company might also consider displaying information about its products or services on a computer screen instead of paper. Consider using a digital display screen that displays informative videos about your company, along with product features available at the push of a button. There are also options for interchangeable displays. It contains panels made of sustainable materials that you can switch between and display differently for each show. These panels can be printed with graphics on both sides, so exhibitors also have a number of display design options.

With eco-friendly trade show stands, lighting options that use less energy, and more, exhibitors need to be able to reduce the impact of their exhibits on our planet.